Professional CV/Resume Writing

Writing a professional CV

A CV or resume is usually the first impression a potential employer gets of you. It’s important that you present yourself in a manner suiting the job and that the information you provide is relevant to the role. 

We can help you with:

  • How to present yourself and your achievements
  • Choosing what information is relevant to the position
  • Tailoring your CV/Resume to the position
  • Presenting the information in a clear concise way. 

The better your CV/Resume is the better chance you have of getting through to the next stage of the application/interview process. 

We can support you in the next steps from searching for the right jobs through to the interview process


Can you find me a job?

We aren’t a service that finds jobs for you. Our role is to equip you with the skills you need to get into new employment. 

How long until I have a job?

We can’t give timescales on how long this process will take. It depends on your starting point and skills as well as the field you are interested in. 

How much does it cost?

We are a community interest company – that means that as long as you meet the criteria for our grants our services will cost you nothing. 

Do you work in person or online?

It depends on your needs. If you’re in the North East then we can work in person to deliver workshops and training. If you’re further afield or prefer working online then that’s fine too.

Contact us for an informal chat about your needs

Get in touch today to see how we can help you on your employment journey.