Our Services

How can we help you get your next job?

Career Coaching & Guidance

Work with a career coach to discuss your next steps and work out what you need to do to get to your goal of getting that new job.

Online job searching

We show you how to go about searching for the right role for you. Most adverts are online now - do you know how to search effectively?

Professional CV/Resume writing

We can help you write a professional resume or CV to get your foot in the door with any potential employer.

Interview Techniques and tips

We train you in what to expect in your interview and what you can do to give the best impression of yourself to the interviewer.

Finding employment while disabled

The workplace can be a challenging place for accessibility. We work to help remove barriers for you so you can access the workplace.

How can we support you?

Finding a first or a new job can be difficult, especially if  you are changing fields or seeking a different role to your current job. We understand that it can be a journey to get from where you are to where you want to be. 

Our aim is to give you the skills and knowledge to search for the roles you want, how to apply for them and how to ace that interview to give you the best chance of landing the role. 

Each of our services can be delivered one on one or can be delivered as a group workshop session. Get in contact to discuss your needs and we can see which approach is most suitable for you and your situation. We aim to work with in the most comfortable way for you – the location and time of your session(s) will be discussed with your coach to find a time and place that suits.  

Use the links above to find out more about what is involved with the different services and then fill out your details so that we can reach out to you. 

Contact us to start your journey


    We are a community interest company. That means that our services are funded through grants and are free for you to access as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. 

    Please only get in touch if you believe you do meet the criteria as otherwise we are unable to help. 

    Our funding changes over time and you can use the button below to check our current grants to see if you qualify. 


    Can you find me a job?

    We aren’t a service that finds jobs for you. Our role is to equip you with the skills you need to get into new employment. 

    How long until I have a job?

    We can’t give timescales on how long this process will take. It depends on your starting point and skills as well as the field you are interested in. 

    How much does it cost?

    We are a community interest company – that means that as long as you meet the criteria for our grants our services will cost you nothing. 

    Do you work in person or online?

    It depends on your needs. If you’re in the North East then we can work in person to deliver workshops and training. If you’re further afield or prefer working online then that’s fine too.